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September 2022

The Ultimately Transmogrifiable Van

The Ultimately Transmogrifiable Van Read More »

Kevin and Diana have taken their Vandoit on many adventures since owning their van.

They have been to Lake Leatherwood in Ark., Tinkertown Museum in Albuquerque, the red sandstone formations of Sedona, the White Mountains of Calif. and Nev., hot springs south of Lake Tahoe, and camping on the beach near Los Angeles.  Their ultimately transmogrifiable van has taken them to various locations for paddleboarding, kayaking, hiking, biking, hammocking, and reading.

All in the first two months of owning their van.

You read that right–two months.  

This couple knows how to grab life by the horns, strike while the iron’s hot. Any other expression you can think of to convey that their van is helping them live life to the fullest, in the present, here and now.

Camper Van Shopping 

The Ultimately Transmogrifiable Van

After shopping extensively for a camper van, Diana came across Vandoit in an online list of best conversion vans.  When she opened a link to the Vandoit website, she immediately said to Kevin, “This is what we have to have.”  

Watching videos of the vans and their components sealed the deal, and they reached out to Vandoit Van Guru Sharon Crandall the next day.  Diana and Kevin enjoyed the process of working with Sharon to design their van. “She was very knowledgeable and provided great guidance.  She helped us make choices where we were kind of on the fence,”  Diana said. 

Waiting a year and a half for their van was not as bad as they thought. They are thrilled with the aesthetic and versatility of the van.  “Other vans look like another RV on the inside and only do one thing,” they commented, referring to the permanently fixed interior components often featured in other camper vans’ designs.  They love that the components in the Vandoit interior can be moved to create a variety of layouts.

What Diana and Kevin Love about Their Vandoit 

The Ultimately Transmogrifiable Van

Diana was the first to get excited about van life; Kevin was skeptical at first.  “Do we really need a van to live in?” he wondered.  But as Sharon kept them updated on their build process and answered their questions, they found that Vandoit really was the perfect fit for them.  

“What you guys do really fits our aesthetic. The ability to move things around really fits us,” Kevin remarked.  Diana added, “We make things, so sometimes we’re going to need to load things in it and we have different kinds of toys, so it needs to adapt to all of those things.  If you’re like us and like to do things in a different way, and have handy skills–just do it!” 

They saw a Vandoit in person at an expo after paying the deposit on their van.  “It might be crazy to spend so much money on something we had never touched.  We felt confident even before seeing the van in person, but seeing one confirmed our confidence,”  said Diana.

Coming from a background in the museum industry, both Kevin and Diana notice and care about details.  They have been wholly impressed with Vandoit’s attention to detail in every aspect of the product.  “It’s the ultimately transmogrifiable van!” Diana exclaims, referencing Calvin and Hobbes.

The Ultimately Transmogrifiable Van

Vandoit Modularity 

They picked up their van the day after the school year ended for Diana, a teacher, so they jumped full tilt into making the most of summer trips.  

Very quickly, Diana and Kevin found three different layouts that work well for their van:  One for when they travel together, one for Diana and their dog, and one for when Diana and a friend make a girls’ trip together.  The modularity of Vandoit’s design allows them to quickly and easily rearrange interior components to suit each trip’s needs.  

Kevin and Diana enjoy woodworking and creating, so they have enjoyed adding their personal DIY touches to the van, including fabricating their own wooden storage trays for kitchen utensils, and adding hinged wooden doors to the hanging cabinet, kitchen pod, and hide-a-toilet cabinet.

The Ultimately Transmogrifiable Van

Happy Trails!

When asked what they enjoy most about their van, several things came to mind. Kevin says the van is a pleasure to drive, and they love that it helps them to be self-sufficient. “We don’t have to ask permission,” Diana shares, meaning that they can boondock or disperse camp, and they don’t always have to reserve accommodations in advance or make sure a location allows dogs.  

The van empowers them to be more spontaneous in their travels and adventures.  “You get to places that are unexpected,” says Diana.  For example, one evening she was dispersed  camping in the White Mountains, taking in the beauty of the Minarets, the Mammoth Lakes, and the Sierra Nevada Range.  When she turned around, she realized the sun was setting behind her while the moon was rising over Death Valley–a stunning view you can’t get from a hotel room.

One of Kevin’s favorite features is the blackout thermal window curtains because there’s no need to make sleeping arrangements–when it’s time to go to sleep, they just go to sleep.  “Van sleep is the best sleep!” Diana says.

Ready to jump into van life like Kevin and Diana did?  Reach out to a Van Guru today!

Campervan Storage Modules

Endless Storage Configurations for Your Vandoit Campervan

Endless Storage Configurations for Your Vandoit Campervan Read More »

Two Words Sum Up The New Vandoit Galley & Storage Modules: Game Changer!  

Having owned a Vandoit for several years, my first Vandoit was a GO, the precursor to the LIV model. A primary difference between the GO and the LIV is that the GO model has an electronics cabinet just behind the slider door, which functions as a step up to the queen bed and as a seat or table.  As the cabinet took up some of the living space, storage had to be under the bed in the cabinets on the driver and passenger sides of the van.  As you can imagine, that’s a lot of crawling under the bed to get to your gear.

Fast Foward To 2022, And Vandoit Now Offers These Incredible Galley & Storage Modules

 It took some time to offer this option, as Vandoit does not rush to provide new components without extensive research, prototyping, and user feedback.  When something becomes an actual van component, it has been thoroughly vetted.  We were fortunate to be some of the first to use these new modules in our Vandoit so we could provide feedback to the Research & Development team.  

Endless Campervan Storage

One of the best features–and perhaps the most challenging choices to make–is deciding on which modules to use in your van and how to configure them.  In my opinion, the best way to decide on your module setup is to start with the base unit and work your way up.  We went with the triple drawer base, and not only is it great for storage, it is so quiet.  You won’t hear the drawers move around, nor do they open up when traveling.  Just keep in mind that what you put in the drawer can make noise, so I line the drawers with a rubber shelf liner like this one shown to the below. Depending on the length of the trip and the time of year, we use the drawers to store both clothing and food.  My top drawer is my ‘junk’ drawer which I use for food storage bags, scissors, and a wine opener ( a must!).


The Storage Modules Help Maximize Your Floor Space

We also use the slide-out storage cabinet, which is a great option for having the dry-flush toilet or small Dometic cooler handy when you need it, and sliding it out of the way when you don’t.  And since it’s rated to hold over 500 pounds, I don’t even have to think about what I load onto the slide-out tray.

Working our way up the module configuration, the module tops are a great way to add more storage without taking up much space, and the choices are great: You can add another drawer, an open cubby, or a sink.  The sink is a great option for creating a full kitchen setup, especially when it is next to other module tops that provide counter space for food prep and serving.  The cubby is ideal for storing and grabbing items we use frequently, like towels, a basket of cooking utensils, and cleaning supplies.

Storage Module Tops

The Combinations For These Modules Are Endless And Reconfigurable. 

If your trip includes more than two people, for instance, one or more of the modules can come out and the seats go in.  Detaching the base modules from the mounting hardware on the floor track is simple, but moving them can sometimes be a two-person job–just something to keep in mind if you are considering using these in your van.  Detaching the top modules is just a matter of removing four bolts.  When my husband and I are planning a long trip for just the two of us (and our dog, Peanut!) we like to max out the galley to create lots of storage and tons of counter space.  The long counter is ideal for food prep and for our mobile office.

A shorter trip might call for the sink and some drawers, or the sink with a dry-flush toilet on the slide-out tray. Most of the time we stay with our maxed-out galley setup. However, if we are traveling with people vs. camping, we can take out all or some of these cabinets to provide room for people.  The modules really articulate what Vandoit is all about: Modularity.  What do you need for your adventure?  Put it in, take it out, or leave it be.  Check out all of the Galley & Storage Modules–plus the Vandoit kitchen pod–here!

Keeping your canine cool

Vanlife With A Dog Is Easier Than You Think

Vanlife With A Dog Is Easier Than You Think Read More »

Do you have a dog?  Do you want to try van life?  With a few fundamental essentials, living the van life with a dog is doable.

My name is Jena. My husband Derek and I have been in our Vandoit camper van since the summer of 2020. We have put over 40,000 miles on the vehicle. 

We work full time while on the road, running our dog training and care company, which we have been operating for 11 years. In the past two years, we traveled from Maine to the southern tip of the Baja Peninsula and everywhere in between. Our chocolate lab Barry has been by our side every step of the way. 

While running a full-time dog care and training business – and being dog lovers ourselves – nothing brings us more joy than having Barry on all of our adventures with us.  When we decided to jump into van life, we knew having him with us was a priority. His comfort, along with our own, was important. 

We needed to find the best ways to regulate airflow, keep him clean, manage wear and tear from paws and equipment, and ensure all of this was as easy as possible.

When searching for the perfect van, Vandoit came in first in this category: We loved it for our comfort but especially for the ease of having a dog with us.

Our Vandoit Van Has Four Things We Can’t Live Without:

Vandoit Air Vent

 1. MaxxAir Deluxe

The MaxxAir fan is a game changer when traveling with Barry. This fan helps regulate the airflow throughout the van. We can set the speed as well as the airflow direction.  

It has given us the freedom to leave him in the car to run into a store or to go somewhere dogs aren’t allowed. We have to be sure the temperature outside is mild, and we never leave him in the van if it is too hot. 

When we park in the shade and have the windows cracked, we can leave him unattended safely most of the year. (He doesn’t mind, either. He finally gets his daily nap without all the outside stimulation!)

Vanlife Shower

2. Shower Nozzle That Is Accessible From The Back Door.

Let’s face it–dogs are dirty. The point of having him with us is to allow him to explore different environments. Barry gets pretty dirty by the end of the day. Having water at our fingertips to clean him is so helpful. 

The best part? It’s all outside, so there is no mess inside the van!

Vandoit Durable Flooring

3. Ultra-Durable Flooring.

We chose the Heather Grey Woodgrain Polyvinyl flooring and have no regrets! It has been super easy to clean and maintain. With a quick sweep and wipe down, the floor is clean in minutes. 

Vanlife with a dog

4. The Modularity Of The Van Is The Best Part!

We all know dog hair gets everywhere, so being able to take the van apart and give it a deep clean had me look no further. 

We spent three months in Baja, Mexico, this past winter, and every couple of weeks, we would empty the van and clean it out thoroughly. It was easy and made the trip much more comfortable in a world of sand and dog hair.

I know we got this van for ourselves and the adventures we wanted to go on. As it turns out, Barry is having the time of his life exploring oceans, mountains, deserts, lakes and rivers. This wouldn’t be possible, or nearly as comfortable, without our Vandoit.

Want to see what vanlife with a dog looks like?  Check out this video of our Vandoit story!

Sometimes “Vanlife” Is A Dad Taking His Daughter To Soccer Tournaments

Sometimes “Vanlife” Is A Dad Taking His Daughter To Soccer Tournaments Read More »

William Snider is Living “Vanlife,” But Not the Kind You Typically See on Instagram.

He utilizes his van for play and practicality. He gets a lot of use out of his van living in a massive, wide-open state like Montana. When he’s not skiing or cycling, it’s very common for him and his daughter to commute multiple hours for her soccer tournaments or bike races. The van is a perfect tool for all of the above.

Will picked up his Vandoit in 2019. Since then, the van has become a dad vanlife mobile. During soccer season or bike races, Will and his daughter spend the weekends traveling to the events and camping either for free in the parking lot of the event or cheaply at a campground. During COVID, this has allowed them to sequester themselves and avoid rising hotel prices. 

Dad Vanlife

The vans are “sleep chambers” according to Will, commenting on how quiet and comfortable it is to sleep in the van. Will sleeps on the hydraulic bed-lift platform and his daughter sleeps underneath on the gear slide. The bikes and other gear go inside the van, protecting them from the sometimes harsh Montana conditions. 

Will had been looking for years for the right van. His first camper van purchase was a Westphalia VW van. He just never quite felt safe driving his daughter in it with the pop-top. The next purchase was a pop-up trailer, but after a few years of dealing with the difficult process of getting it into camping spots and set up, decided to sell it. He never felt comfortable buying a Sprinter because of the lack of Mercedes dealerships in his area for potential repairs.

Will Snider and daughter at Bike Race

He Was Set on Buying a Ford Transit Passenger Van. 

Ford vehicles can be worked on all over the country and the passenger van has windows, which make being a passenger in the second row of seats more enjoyable because you are able to look out the window. 

Will found a Ford Transit passenger van with Quigley 4×4 in Portland, Oregon and was looking for a conversion company to convert into a camper van. Then he found Vandoit.Ultimately, Will was able to get the Transit passenger Quigley 4×4 custom camper van that he wanted directly from the family-owned company in Blue Springs, Missouri. 

What sealed the deal for Will was the customer service he received at Vandoit. The Vandoit co-founder, Brent Kline, was willing to personally help him make the arrangements necessary to change course from the Portland van, to the ideal van for him and his daughter.

Will and his daughter are showing that #vanlife is a unique experience that is different for everyone. It doesn’t have to be a full time lifestyle. Vanlife can be just a dad and his daughter going to a soccer tournament for a weekend. 

Follow Vandoit on Instagram for more #vanlife inspiration

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