0% Interest and Travel On Us For A Limited Time!

Limitations Apply

Why the Ford Transit?

Vandoit Chose Ford & Ford Chose Vandoit!

Vandoit chose to build exclusively on the Ford Transit since the brand’s inception. In efforts to increase our knowledge, expertise, and quality, we build on passenger, cargo, and the Transit Trail. We have worked diligently with Ford to ensure we complement their engineering and safety features and not compromise them.

We selected the Ford Transit chassis for numerous reasons, including dealership availability, warranty coverage, cost-effective maintenance and repairs, superior quality, excellent drivability, readily available parts, and ample technician support.

At Vandoit, we have confidence in our decision and place trust in the Transit, fortified by our longstanding history and relationship with Ford.

Be Confident In Your Decision. Ford Was!

Ford approached Vandoit for assistance in the development of the first ever Transit Trail, as highlighted in numerous news articles surrounding the Transit Trail press release in October 2022.

Vandoit stood out as one of the select van companies to earn the historic and prestigious Ford QVM (Qualified Vehicle Modifier) designation.

Click on the video below to listen to Vandoit co-founder, Brent Kline, discuss his decision to opt for the Ford Transit, along with insights from the co-founder and CEO, Jared McCauslin, regarding the creation of the interior Transit Trail upfit, which marked the debut of our latest model, the MOOV 🐂 model. 

  • One year 0% interest
  • On select units
  • Applies for 1 year on our in house lease purchase program. Interest will apply at 2 points over New York prime after one year. 
  • May be used in combination with or in lieu of other incentives
  • Minimum down payment will be required based on credit, price and other factors.
  • With approved credit.
  • “Travel On Us” All National Parks, all access free pass (1 year) may apply…ask your representative for details.