0% Interest and Travel On Us For A Limited Time!

Limitations Apply


LIV Water System

  • The water source is a 6-gallon jerry can that is easy to refill.

  • The hot water with a holding tank that ties directly into the water system

  • Offers hot water at all locations for water hookup/use

  • With AGM battery System, Requires Shore Power hook-up

  • Can run off of lithium battery system (other features inside the van directly impact the length of time the hot water will run off of lithium)

  • Hot water remote turn-off switch: Easily turn the hot water tank on and off from a switch at the front of the van, rather than needing to walk to the hot water unit.

DO Water System

  • Position this water system in various places throughout the van and plug it into a wall outlet for power.

  • The water source is a 6-gallon jerry can that is easy to refill.

  • On-demand hot water ties directly into the system and can be turned on and off via a remote.

  • A 15 ft coil hose and a spray nozzle are included.

  • Hooking up to a Kitchen Pod or Sink Module is simple.

  • The water system can be removed from the van altogether for winterization or to free up cargo space.

    *Hot water can be added

*Recommended for the DO model, but can be added to the LIV model as a second removable water system.

  • One year 0% interest
  • On select units
  • Applies for 1 year on our in house lease purchase program. Interest will apply at 2 points over New York prime after one year. 
  • May be used in combination with or in lieu of other incentives
  • Minimum down payment will be required based on credit, price and other factors.
  • With approved credit.
  • “Travel On Us” All National Parks, all access free pass (1 year) may apply…ask your representative for details.