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Christmas Vandoit Environment Tips

Tis the Season to be Thoughtful, to the Environment

We all know it’s the season of giving and showing love to those around you. And as hectic as this time of year gets, it can be really easy to forgo thinking about the environment simply to survive the holiday season.

As a company that highly values the beauty and opportunity  nature provides, we’ve done the work for you in curating a list of 5 simple things you can do to have a more environmentally friendly holiday this year.

1. Get A Real Christmas Tree

Environment Tips Holiday Season

Although rounds of vacuuming to pick up dropped pine needles can get old, setting up a real tree for Christmas cuts down on the 6-foot tall chunk of plastic that eventually will be thrown away in a few years.  Plastic Christmas trees require carbon emissions to be created and shipped. This makes them less eco friendly than a real one.

Getting a real tree can also be a day’s source of entertainment for the whole family. All the steps from locating a nearby tree farm, walking through the rows of options, and strapping it to your car to bring home will become a core Christmas memory for everyone. 

When you purchase from a tree farm, the money spent on it goes back into the farm, resulting in more trees being planted. Getting a real tree also means it can be recycled or in some cases, replanted, making it the ultimate environmentally kind choice.

2. Wrap Gifts With Fabric Or Recycled Paper

When perusing the aisles full of bright, sparkly, single-use wrapping paper, it can be hard to say no to the convenience or the sheer cuteness of the design. This holiday season, consider seeking out recycled craft paper and decorating it yourself with paint, stamps, stickers, etc. This can be a fun activity for children as well, and it makes gifts even more special. You can also wrap up a gift with fabric or other reusable material, creating less waste and making it easier to open. 

3. Switch To LED Lights For Your Decorations

Environment Tips Holiday Season

Twinkly lights during the holidays are a fan favorite; they make everything feel magical. LED lighting (light emitting diodes) saves a ton of energy in comparison to incandescent lights, and they last longer. Today, it’s not too hard to make this simple switch as LEDs are widely available, but it can make a big impact on your household’s energy consumption.

As well as an environmentally friendly habit, being sure to unplug your lights overnight can be a simple change to keep your family safe. According to the National Fire Protection Association, 770 house fires a year are caused by holiday lights.

4. Gifting An Experience

We all have a few people who are difficult to buy gifts for. They don’t seem to need anything or want anything we can buy from the store. This is the perfect opportunity to give an experience. Annual passes to a theme park, zoo, or art museum can fit in well for almost anyone. This gift gives the one who receives it freedom of scheduling, a chance to budget, and something they can enjoy multiple times that makes them think of you. 

5. Buy Reusable Doggy Bags For All The Yummy Leftovers

It’s no shock that we eat a lot over the holidays; it’s one of the best parts! A very simple switch can be using metal or glass containers to store food in rather than plastic ones. It can also help to clear out your freezer before the holiday meal prep begins. This allow for plenty of space to freeze meats and other items that can survive for a much longer time. The parts of the meal that will go back more quickly can be sent home with your guests or eaten within the next few days. It cuts down on overall food waste.

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